I am very smart boy. I am dreaming wide, just feeling the moment and doing my best to get all that life is offering. I am not the one who will be influenced by people's attitude. I'm living my life at maximum, with colors and unforgettable moments. I guess just being the best form of yourself is the goal in life. These days, I am practicing to pass my exams hoping to pass it with good results. I am also learning HTML, C++ and considering to start studying JavaScript. Time will show.


Date Start/End Experience
22.04.2021 RoboCode

Am facut proiecte creative cu dispozitive avansate si am luat locuri cu care te poti mandri.
01.01.2022 M.Eminescu

Ma pregatesc de examene

SKILLS: C++, HTML, JavaScript


Date Start/End Experience
22.04.2021 Acasa la PC)

Am participat la competitii de jocuri si am luat locul 1 si 2 la majoritatea din ele..
01.01.2022 M.Eminescu

Am dat testul BAC-ul

SKILLS: C++, HTML, JavaScript


Date Start/End Experience
22.04.2021 Robocode
Dezvoltare de roboti, senzori, programare in C++, HTML, JavaScript etc.
01.01.2022 Arobs

HOBBY: C++, HTML, JavaScript